While an appendix is fairly self-explanatory, academic writing styles have their own conventions on how to create and use this section of a paper. The APA appendix comes at the end of your paper and provides supplementary material not present within the main body with the purpose of complementing the primary text. It typically offers deeper insight into the research and results. Master the task of creating and formatting an APA appendix below.
Definition: APA appendix
An appendix is derived from the Latin “appendere” (“to add”).
In academic terminology, an appendix is the end section of a paper where extra information is provided for the reader. The plural of appendix is appendices. Appendices often consist of research materials in the form of tables and figures, but textual appendices are also permitted. The APA style advocates for the APA appendix to be placed very last, after references, in a paper’s order.
in Your Thesis
When is it relevant to create an APA appendix?
Appendices aren’t mandatory and should only be included if they help the reader understand, interpret or evaluate your main argument. As all essential information is included within the text, including figures and tables, only supplementary material appears in appendices. However, appendices can be useful for listing the following:
- Interview transcripts that are partially quoted within your main argument. This is for transparency.
- Complete and detailed statistical data. You can provide supplementary tables for figures, like charts, used in your main body.
- Detailed descriptions of items or complex equipment used in your research.
- Full documents or forms used in your research, whether test group questionnaires or scales.
An APA appendix doesn’t just appear without any reference. Each APA appendix must be mentioned at least once within your paper’s main body. If you don’t actually refer to an appendix, do not include it.
When you reference or discuss information found in an appendix, you don’t need to repeat the appendix name each time you discuss the general topic.
APA appendix format
An APA appendix section follows similar formatting conventions to other sections in the APA style:
- The title appears bold and centered at the top of the page.
- Underneath the main appendix title you’ll provide a descriptive title for the content. (similarly formatted)
- The rest of the appendix follows the APA style with a left-aligned and double-spaced text layout.
- Page numbers should be listed in the top right header.
Note: Always start a new appendix on a separate page, not underneath another.
Naming and structuring an APA appendix
You should present your appendices in alphabetical order that relates to their reference position within your text.
Appendix A will be the first appendix mentioned, and so on.
An APA appendix must be titled and referenced correctly. If you have just one appendix, this is simply titled “Appendix” and appears as “see Appendix” in the text.
However, if you’re using multiple appendices, follow the titling convention of “Appendix A”, “Appendix B” and so on.
You can include additional tables and figures within your APA appendix. However, unlike their use within your main text, appendix-based tables and figures follow different labelling conventions.
An appendix is a section of your paper that includes additional information to supplement your research. Examples of content include interview transcripts and raw data.
Yes. Follow APA in-text citation guidelines by treating your appendix like the main text. Any sources must be included in the Reference List section.
An appendix is not mandatory but should be used where appropriate. If in doubt, consult your professor or subject guidelines.