In academic writing, it is crucial to cite sources correctly to avoid plagiarism and uphold credibility. The APA style guide is one of the most commonly used citation styles used for citing source in an academic paper. This article will focus on formatting the APA magazine article citation, give a definition, and provide corresponding examples. Furthermore, we will answer the most frequently asked questions about the APA magazine article citation.
Definition: APA magazine article citation
The American Psychological Association, also called APA, created specific guidelines for the format of citations in academia. The rules are adjusted to a standard that ensures academic integrity in academic papers. Among many others, the APA style guide also provides a format for APA magazine article citations, which are outlined in this article.
in Your Thesis
APA magazine article in-text citation
For an APA citation within the text, the last name of the author, year of publication, and page number (if applicable) must be stated in brackets and separated by commas:
- Format: (Last name, Publication Year, p. Page number)
If the name of the author is already stated in the sentence, only include the year of publication and page number enclosed in brackets:
- Format: Last name … (Year, p. Page number)
APA magazine article reference entry
The reference list entry for an APA magazine article citation should contain the the last name of the author, the initials of the first and middle names, the publication year (in brackets), the article’s title (in sentence case), the magazine (in italics, title case), the volume number (in italics), the issue number (if applicable), and the page numbers.
- Format: Last name, Initials. (Year). Title of the article. Name of the Magazine, Volume number(Issue number), Page numbers.
APA magazine article citation example
If the author of the article is not mentioned, you can begin the APA magazine article citation with the title instead of the author’s name. Shorten the title for the in-text citation.
When citing online magazine articles, the URL or DOI should be added at the end of the citation. If the DOI is available, it should always be used over the URL.
If a magazine article has multiple authors, include them in the same order as given in the article. Separate the names with commas and add an ampersand (&) before the final name.