The English language has a vast variety of complex words, terms, and phrases that often leave learners and even native speakers befuddled. Navigating these can be challenging, but mastering them opens up a deeper level of fluency and precision. Find our articles on complex English vocabulary in the list below and expand your understanding and knowledge of the English language.
Overview of definitions articles
According to | Indubitably |
Ad Nauseam | Inevitable |
Aesthetic | Integrity |
Albeit | Introvert |
Approximately | Ironic |
As well as | Jargon |
Assertive | Lethargic |
Audacity | Loquacious |
Bear in mind | Manifest |
Bear with me | Mea culpa |
Bildungsroman | Metacognition |
Callous | Might as well |
Carpe diem | Misanthropic |
Circa (ca.) | Misnomer |
Cognitive | Nonchalant |
Colonel | Nostalgia |
Condescending | Omnipotent |
Copacetic | Optimistic |
Defenestration | Paradigm |
Déjà vu | Pessimistic |
Distinterest | Pragmatic |
Ditto | Prejudice |
Duly noted | Presumptuous |
Empathy | Procrastination |
Endeavour | Protagonist |
Enormity | Quintessential |
Enthusiasm | Serendipity |
Epistemology | Serenity |
Eponymous | Significance |
Etymology | Solace |
Euphoria | Tentative |
Extrovert | Touché |
Facetious | Verbiage |
Genuflect | Vice versa |
Implications | Xenophobia |
and many more!
Some of the most searched, complex English words are euphoria, implications, aesthetic, manifest, integrity, empathy, endeavour , and metaphor.
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