There are people who search for the definitions of various English words, terms, and phrases. Although some are frequently used, some are not aware of their true origins and use them for stylistic purposes only. The purpose of this article is to provide a thorough understanding of the term “empathy,” including its origins and proper spelling.
Definition of “empathy”
“Empathy” is the ability to understand and connect with the thoughts and feelings of others. It involves seeing things from their perspective and sympathizing with their emotions on a deep level. “Empathy” is derived from the Greek word “empatheia” and the German term “Einfühlung”.
Use of “empathy” in a sentence
In the English language, the word “empathy” functions as a noun. The following examples illustrate how to use the word in a sentence.
How to spell “empathy” correctly
“Empathy” is often misspelled as “empety”, “empthay”, and “empahty”. The only correct way of spelling the word is “empathy” and consists of two parts in Greek:
- “em-” – meaning “in”
- “pathos” – meaning “feeling”
Correct spelling
Wrong spelling
Synonyms for “empathy”
It can be beneficial to use synonyms of “empathy” as they can provide a wider range of words with comparable meanings, which can help to enhance the quality of expression. By using synonyms, your writing can be enriched by avoiding repetition. Below are four examples of synonyms for “empathy” along with sample sentences for each:
Synonym | Examples |
Compassion | He showed great empathy towards the homeless man. |
He showed great compassion towards the homeless man. | |
Concern | Sarah expressed genuine empathy for her colleague's well-being. |
Sarah expressed genuine concern for her colleague's well-being. | |
Sensitivity | The teacher's empathy for her students' emotions helped create a safe environment. |
The teacher's sensitivity to her students' emotions helped create a safe environment. | |
Understanding | With empathy, she realised the challenges her friend was facing. |
With understanding, she realised the challenges her friend was facing. |
Empathy is about understanding and sharing the emotions, thoughts, and perspectives of others. It requires actively connecting with their emotions and showing genuine care for their well-being.
“Jane displayed empathy towards her colleague who was facing a challenging time by offering support.”
The word “empathy” in this sentence refers to Jane’s ability to comprehend and share her colleague’s emotions and experiences. This illustrates that Jane exhibited concern and cared for her colleague during their tough circumstances, fostering a sympathetic and understanding environment.
Empathy is the act of comprehending and sympathizing with the emotions and viewpoints of others while demonstrating concern and consideration for their well-being.
The word “empathy” originated from the German term “Einfühlung”. It is a compound word, combining “ein” (meaning “in”) and “Fühlung” (meaning “feeling” or “sensation”).
- Empathy: Feeling with others, understanding their emotions, and connecting on a deep emotional level by putting oneself in their shoes.
- Sympathy: Feeling for others, expressing care and concern for their well-being without necessarily sharing their emotional experience or fully understanding their perspective.
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