Especially in academic writing, it is important to understand the correct meaning of a word or the different possible interpretations in case there are more than one. Such is the case with the word “nebulous,” which can be used in a literal and figurative way, displaying various ways to use it. The following article will provide a definition of its different uses and illustrate it in many example sentences.
Definition of “nebulous”
The adjective “nebulous” can be used literally and figuratively. Nebulous, it means “foggy,” or “misty,” derived from the Latin “nebula” meaning “fog.” More common is the figurative use of the word, where it then stands for something vague or indistinct. As it is also related to “nebular,” as in an interstellar cloud of gas and dust, it can also refer to something mysterious or enigmatic.
How to spell “nebulous” correctly
As in many other words, the most common spelling mistake of “nebulous” is “nebulos,” where the “U” is left out. This spelling, however, is incorrect, or rather it is the German equivalent of “nebulous.”
Correct spelling
Wrong spelling
Synonyms for “nebulous”
By using different synonyms of a word, the risk of repetition and redundancy is diminished, and simultaneously, the expansion and improvement of your vocabulary are fostered. Here are six synonyms of the word “nebulous” used in sentences to highlight the correct use.
Synonyms | Examples |
Cloudy | The sky was nebulous that morning. |
The sky was cloudy that morning. | |
Cryptic | The hints he gave were nebulous. |
The hints he gave were cryptic. | |
Foggy | The whole city was nebulous in the morning. |
The whole city was foggy in the morning. | |
Misty | We walked through a nebulous forest. |
We walked through a misty forest. | |
Mysterious | The atmosphere was nebulous. |
The atmosphere was mysterious. | |
Vague | The answers she gave were nebulous. |
The answers she gave were vague. |
“Nebulous” can mean “foggy” or “misty” in a literal sense. Figuratively, it is most commonly used for something vague or also mysterious.
The word “nebulous” is often connected with an uneasy feeling, whether it is because of the unsettling moisture of real fog or the vagueness of a situation we cannot quite grasp. Thus, the word does have a negative connotation, although it actually just describes how a situation is perceived.
Synonyms for “nebulous” can be “foggy” or “misty,” but also “vague” or “mysterious.”
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