MLA in-text citations are used to credit the source of information within the text of an academic work. It includes the author’s last name and the page number(s) enclosed in brackets directly after the quote, sentence, or paraphrase from that source. The purpose of in-text citations is to aid readers to the corresponding entry on the MLA Works Cited page, where they can find full bibliographic details. It’s crucial to remember that any quote, sentence, or paraphrase based on a source must be accompanied by an in-text citation to avoid plagiarism.
Definition: MLA in-text citations
MLA style is a standardized way of referencing the sources used in academic writing. MLA in-text citations are a set of guidelines that were developed by the Modern Language Association and are currently used in courses related to languages, literature, arts, and humanities. An MLA in-text citation appears in the body of an academic essay and provides information about an external source. The specific formatting depends on whether the source has one, two, or more authors.
in Your Thesis
MLA in-text citations: Placement
MLA in-text citations are placed after the quote or reference and before the period that ends the sentence. There are different methods of writing an MLA in-text citation based on how the author is quoted in the text.
Combining citations
Some MLA in-text citations have more than one source (when more than one author makes the same statement). In this case, they must be formatted as follows to ensure you credit all sources
The same source with multiple citations
If you reference the same source multiple times within the text, provide the full citation the first time you reference it, and only use the page number in the remaining references.
When a source can’t be attributed to an author, the guidelines for MLA in-text citations require that you use the organisation ’s name or the source title instead of the author’s surname. The in-text citation must match the first element in the Works Cited entry.
If a title or organisation ’s name consists of 4+ words, it must be shortened in the in-text citation by omitting the articles and only using the first word or phrase.
MLA in-text citations: No page numbers
Some sources don’t have page numbers, but instead are divided into sections, chapters, articles, or other sub-divisions. This is common when referencing video sources, law articles, theatre plays, etc. In this case, MLA in-text citations must be formatted as follows:
Source Type | Format | Example |
Play with numbered lines | Include the act, scene, and line | (Wilde 1.3.15) |
Source divided into sections or chapters | Comma after the author’s surname and section or chapter number, abbreviated | (Ross, ch.15) |
Source with no page number and with no sub-divisions | Only quote the author’s surname | (Moore) |
Videos or audiovisual material | Specify the author and time stamp | (Rogers 1:03:22) |
MLA in-text citations for different sources written by the same author are referenced as per the following guidelines.
Same author
If you quote multiple sources written by a single author, include the author’s surname in citation, along with a shortened version of the title.
Different authors with the same name
Sometimes you will have to cite different authors who share the same surname. In that case, MLA in-text citations must include the author’s initials to differentiate them. If the initials also coincide, cite the full first name.
MLA in-text citations: Indirect citations
In academic writing, it’s always recommended to quote original sources directly. If this isn’t possible because the original source is unknown or unspecified, MLA in-text citations should include both the original author and the author of the secondary source. To indicate that this is an indirect citation, use the abbreviation “qtd. in”, which means “quoted in”.
In this example, Martin is the original author, and Andrews is the author of the secondary source you accessed. This source should also be referenced in the Works Cited section.
You only need to cite the author’s surname in brackets. If the author isn’t known, cite the title of the webpage or article.
No, you must follow these guidelines for every source you quote, including theatre plays, films, videos, or websites.
It means “and others”, and it’s used to cite sources written by more than 2 authors.
No. In that case, it’s okay to only cite the author’s surname.