Depending on the institution awarding the degree, the terms thesis and dissertation might have distinct meanings. To find out exactly what the work is, always look at the title page or subsequent pages, and then utilize that information as a reference. For those working in a specific citation format such as APA, examining APA examples related to thesis and dissertation citations can further clarify how to reference these essential academic works appropriately.
Definition: APA dissertation citation
The style differs when citing a dissertation or thesis depending on if it was accessed through a database or somewhere else. According to the APA Style guide, a dissertation or thesis retrieved from a database must be cited as followed:
APA Format: | Last name, Initials of author. (Year). The title (Publication No. if present) [Type of dissertation/thesis, University Name]. Database. |
APA dissertation citation Reference List Entry: | Behrens, B. (2020). Linguistic markers of maternal focus within emotional conversations: The role of depressive symptoms and maltreatment [Master’s thesis, University of Notre Dame]. CurateND. |
APA dissertation citation in-Text Citation: | (Behrens, 2020) |
APA dissertation citation: Published elsewhere
When the dissertation or thesis was posted elsewhere such as on a personal website or in an academic archive (typically in PDF form), the URL/DOI must be included:
APA Format: | Last name, Initials of author. (Year). The title [Type of dissertation/thesis, University Name]. Database. URL/DOI |
APA dissertation citation Reference List Entry: | Behrens, B. (2020). Linguistic markers of maternal focus within emotional conversations: The role of depressive symptoms and maltreatment [Master’s thesis, University of Notre Dame]. CurateND. https://curate.nd.edu/show/9k41zc80w8w |
APA dissertation citation in-Text Citation: | (Behrens, 2020) |
APA dissertation citation: Unpublished
An unpublished dissertation or thesis is usually retrieved directly from the author or university in physical pages. In the APA dissertation citation style, add “Unpublished” to the description within square brackets and mention the university at the conclusion of the citation, outside the brackets as shown:
APA Format: | Author last name, Initials. (Year). Dissertation title [Unpublished type of dissertation/thesis]. University Name. |
APA dissertation citation Reference List Entry: | Smith, J. (2020). Effects of cognitive behavioural therapy on agoraphobic patients [Unpublished master’s thesis]. University of Amsterdam. |
APA dissertation citation in-Text Citation: | (Smith, 2020) |
Author, A. A. (Year). Title (Publication No. if present) [Doctoral dissertation/Doctoral thesis/Master’s dissertation/Master’s thesis, Institution Name].
When a dissertation or thesis is accessible from a database such as ProQuest, Dissertations and Theses Global, or PDQT Open, an academic repository, or an archive, it is deemed to have been published.
You’d be surprised at how many students never see their dissertations published. A publishing won’t happen without careful planning and arranging for it to published.