Learning to spell English words correctly can be challenging, particularly for individuals from diverse language backgrounds or those who have difficulties with pronunciation. A frequent spelling mistake is “recommend,” which is often mistakenly spelled as “reccommend.” This guide aims to clarify the correct spelling of this word, offering example sentences and responding to frequently asked questions about its usage.
The correct spelling of “recommend”
The word “recommend” functions as a verb in English. It’s used to advise or suggest something as being good or suitable for a specific purpose. For example, you might recommend a book to a friend or recommend a course of action in a business meeting. The only correct spelling of this word in English is “recommend.” Any other variations, such as “reccommend” are incorrect. These are the different word forms:
- Base form: recommend
- Third-person singular: recommends
- Past tense: recommended
- Past participle: recommended
- Present participle/gerund: recommending
The word “recommend” comes from the Latin “recommendare,” which means “to commend again” or “to present as worthy.” This Latin term combines “re-” (again) with “commendare” (commend). The use of “recommend” in English began in the late 14th century and has maintained its basic form and usage throughout the centuries to the present day. This etymology reflects the action of giving support or approval to someone or something, a meaning that has remained consistent in its English usage.
Correct spelling
Incorrect spelling
The correct spelling of the word “recommend” is with a double “M” and one “C.” This is because the word originates from the Latin “recommendare,” thus following the respective spelling.
The correct form adheres to its etymological background and the conventions of English spelling. Additionally, English spelling rules do not typically call for doubling the “C” before the “O” in this context. The consonant “M” is doubled after the short vowel “O” to maintain the short vowel sound, following the common English pattern of doubling a consonant after a short vowel (as in “committed” or “planning”).
“Recommend” is correctly written with a doubled “M” and one “C.”
In the UK, “recommend” is spelled the same way as in other English-speaking countries: recommend.
“Recommendation” is spelled with a “C” followed by a double “M.”
Yes, you can say “recommend me,” as in “Please recommend me a good restaurant.” This usage is informal and common in spoken English.
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