Additionally – Synonyms

2023-04-27 Language rules Time to read: 1min

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The adverb “additionally” is used to introduce an extra item or detail to something that has already been stated.

Another word for additionally is also or as well. However, more synonyms will be stated in the following article.

“Additionally” – General synonyms

Synonyms of the word additionally will be listed below.

  • Again
  • Also
  • And
  • As well
  • Besides
  • Either
  • For good measure
  • Further
  • Furthermore
  • In addition
  • In addition to
  • In the bargain
  • Into the bargain
  • Likewise
  • More
  • Moreover
  • On top of that
  • Plus
  • Then
  • To boot
  • Too
  • What’s more
  • Withal
  • Yet
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“Additionally” – Synonyms used in academic writing

In academic writing, “additionally” can be used to introduce an extra point related to the topic being discussed. It is often used to reinforce the information already stated and to support the author’s argument. Overall, “additionally” can be a useful word in academic writing to connect ideas and provide a clear and organized structure to the text. Synonyms for additionally that can be used for an academic piece of writing include moreover, in addition, or also.

Are you looking for suitable synonyms for “Additionally” for your academic paper? Have a look at the table below with the top suggestions from our BachelorPrint-Team.

“Additionally” Synonyms Examples
Also The analysis of the data additionally revealed several trends.
The analysis of the data also revealed several trends.
In addition Additionally, to the theoretical implications, this research has practical applications for…
In addition to the theoretical implications, this research has practical applications for…
Moreover Additionally, the study found that the new drug was effective in reducing symptoms.
Moreover, the study found that the new drug was effective in reducing symptoms.

Burcu Arslan

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About the author

Burcu Arslan recently earned her Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, concentrating on Human Resources, Market Research, Communication, and Health Economics. She began her career with a six-month internship as a content marketer at BachelorPrint and has since become a full-time employee. Drawing on her personal experiences as a student and her international background, Burcu possesses advanced skills in crafting authentic, student-friendly academic articles in English that cater to the needs of higher education learners.

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Arslan, B. (2023, April 27). Additionally – Synonyms. BachelorPrint. (retrieved 2025-03-28)

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Arslan, Burcu. 2023. "Additionally – Synonyms." BachelorPrint, Retrieved March 28, 2025.

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Burcu Arslan, "Additionally – Synonyms," BachelorPrint, April 27, 2023, (retrieved March 28, 2025).


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Arslan, Burcu: Additionally – Synonyms, in: BachelorPrint, 2023-04-27, [online] (retrieved 2025-03-28).


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Arslan, Burcu: Additionally – Synonyms, in: BachelorPrint, 2023-04-27, [online] (retrieved 2025-03-28).
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Arslan, 2023.
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Arslan, Burcu (2023): Additionally – Synonyms, in: BachelorPrint, [online] (retrieved 2025-03-28).

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Arslan, Burcu. "Additionally – Synonyms." BachelorPrint, 2023-04-27, (retrieved 2025-03-28).

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Number. Arslan B. Additionally – Synonyms [Internet]. BachelorPrint. 2023 [cited 2025-03-28]. Available from:

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