Fallacies in the English language refer to the common shortcomings in reasoning and logic that often influence our judgments and invalidate our arguments. They are difficult to identify, as they typically appear reasonable and logical at first, but are in fact flawed due to their deceptive nature. As a result, the audience is often manipulated to accept incorrect conclusions. Find the most commonly occurring fallacies in the list below.
Overview of fallacies articles
Ad Hominem Fallacy
Fallacy of Composition
Non Sequitur Fallacy
Anecdotal Fallacy
False Cause Fallacy
Personal Incredulity
Appeal to Authority Fallacy
False Dilemma fallacy
Post Hoc Fallacy
Appeal to Emotion
Gambler’s Fallacy
Red Herring Fallacy
Bandwagon Fallacy
Genetic Fallacy
Slippery Slope Fallacy
Base Rate Fallacy
Golden Mean Fallacy
Special Pleading
Begging the Question Fallacy
Hasty Generalization Fallacy
Straw Man Fallacy
Burden of Proof Fallacy
Loaded Question
Sunk Cost Fallacy
Circular Reasoning Fallacy
Logical Fallacies
Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy
Conjunction Fallacy
Masked-Man Fallacy
The Fallacy Fallacy
Ecological Fallacy
Naturalistic Fallacy
Tu quoque
Equivocation Fallacy
No True Scotsman Fallacy
A fallacy is an error or flaw in reasoning, making an argument false or unreliable. A fallacy occurs, when an argument is based on incorrect information, false premises, or not enough supportive evidence.
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