Comprised Of – How To Spell It & The Correct Preposition

19.11.23 Spelling mistakes Time to read: 3min

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Learning how to spell English words can be a challenging task for students, especially when it comes to certain words. This can be due to differences in spelling compared to similar words in other languages, or inconsistencies in pronunciation. One of the most common spelling mistakes is with the phrase “comprised of”. In this guide, we will provide a detailed overview of how to spell this phrase correctly, along with some sample sentences.

The correct spelling of “comprised of”

The word “comprise” is a verb. It’s used to indicate the inclusion or combination of parts or elements to form a whole. When using “comprise”, you are describing the relationship between the entire and its constituent parts. Another word for “comprise” is “to be made up of” or “composed of”.

Correct spelling


Incorrect spelling

comprised of

“Comprised of” is a common phrase used in everyday language, which is why many people say it should be treated as standard English. However, most style guides and language purists argue that “comprised of” is incorrect, as they suggest that “comprise” should not be followed by “of”. This is because “comprise” in the passive voice already means the same thing it expresses in the active voice. In summary, use “comprise” without the preposition “of” in academic writing to avoid any potential mistakes. For everyday speech, you can continue using “comprised of” if you’ve already established it in your language.


  • The team comprises five members.
  • His lunch comprised broccoli, rice, and tofu.
  • The orchestra comprises talented musicians from around the world.

If you are unsure, use “comprise” without “of” to be on the safe side. Instead of making the mistake and pairing the verb “comprise” with a preposition, you can use multiple synonyms for the word that do use “of”. Here are a few examples.

Examples: Replacing “comprised of” with synonyms

  • Wrong: The committee is comprised of experts in various fields.
  • Correct: The committee is composed of experts in various fields.
  • Correct: The committee consists of experts in various fields.
  • Correct: The committee is made up of experts in various fields.
  • Correct: The committee is formed by experts in various fields.


You use “comprised” in a sentence to describe the parts or elements that make up a whole.


  • The team comprises five members.

No, “comprised of” may be a commonly used phrase in everyday speech. However, it has not been added to standard English, which is why you should use “comprise” without the preposition or synonyms.

You simply use “comprise” like this:

  • The puzzle comprises 100 pieces.

“Comprise” is typically not used with a preposition.

While some consider it less precise, “comprised of” is widely accepted and commonly used in contemporary English and everyday speech, so it is not universally considered grammatically incorrect. However, it is a matter of style and preference, and some grammar purists prefer not to use “comprised of” and instead use “composed of” or “consisting of” for formal writing. It has not been implemented in standard English, which is why “comprised” should be used without the “of”.

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