Issues – Synonyms

10.04.23 Synonyms Time to read: 2min

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In general, the word “issues” is used to describe a problem or subject. It also can be an important question in the case of dispute that must be solved. “Issues” can have a variety of meanings depending on the context.

Another word for “issues” is problems or difficulties. However, more synonyms will be listed in this article.

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On our overview page for synonyms, you can find the best options of synonyms for a vast variety of words that are used in academic writing.

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“Issues” – General synonyms

The following illustrates other words for “issues” that may be used in everyday conversation as well as in academic writing.

“Issues” synonyms in the sense of topic

Synonyms of the word “issues” in the sense of topic are:

  • Affair
  • Argument
  • Business
  • Case
  • Concern
  • Controversy
  • Matter
  • Point
  • Problem
  • Questions
  • Subject
  • Theme
  • Topic

“Issues” synonyms in the sense of point

Synonyms of the word “issues” in the sense of point are:

  • Concern
  • Point
  • Question

“Issues” synonyms in the sense of edition

Synonyms of the word “issues” in the sense of edition are:

  • Copy
  • Edition
  • Impression
  • Imprint
  • Instalment
  • Number
  • Printing
  • Publication
  • Version

“Issues” synonyms in the sense of children

Synonyms of the word “issues” in the sense of children are:

  • Babies
  • Children
  • Descendants
  • Heirs
  • Kids
  • Offspring
  • Progeny
  • Scions
  • Seed
  • Successors
  • Young

“Issues” synonyms in the sense of distribution

Synonyms of the word “issues” in the sense of distribution are:

  • Circulation
  • Delivery
  • Dispersal
  • Dissemination
  • Distribution
  • Issuance
  • Issuing
  • Publication
  • Supply
  • Supplying

“Issues” synonyms in the sense of outcome

Synonyms of the word “issues” in the sense of outcome are:

  • Conclusion
  • Consequence
  • Culmination
  • Effect
  • End
  • End result
  • Finale
  • Outcome
  • Result
  • Termination
  • Upshot

“Issues” – Synonyms used in academic writing

In an academic context, the word “issues” usually refers to concerns, problems or questions that must be solved. Because of the different meanings depending on the context, it is very important to use it precisely.

Synonyms for “issues” used in academic writing will be shown below.

Are you looking for suitable synonyms for “issues” for your academic paper? Have a look at the table below with the top suggestions from our BachelorPrint-Team.

“Issues” Synonyms Examples
Concerns The research data reveals several issues
The research data reveals several concerns
Topics …research project focuses on issues of social justice…
…research project focuses on topics of social justice…
Challenges The report identifies several behavioral issues that are…
The report identifies several behavioral challenges that are…