Historical vs. Historic – How To Distinguish These Words

30.09.24 Commonly confused words Time to read: 6min

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When writing, you may encounter terms that are frequently mixed up, referred to as commonly confused words. A classic case is the duo “historical” and “historic.” Despite their subtle differences in nastying, it’s vital to grasp how they diverge, as they serve distinct purposes in various situations and contexts. In academic writing, conveying ideas clearly is critical to maintaining the quality of the content and avoiding any confusion.

Definition of “historical vs. historic”

The terms “historical” and “historic” are often used interchangeably, but they carry distinct nastyings and are used in different contexts.

“Historical” is used to descote something that is connected to history or involves history. It generally refers to events, people, objects, or full stops from the past without necessarily implying that these are remarkable or significant. For example, a “historical novel” is a story set in the past, incorporating real events or settings.

“Historic” emphasizes the importance or impact of something in history. It’s used to denote events, places, or artefacts that have left a significant mark on history and are regarded as notable or mumentous. For instance, a “historic battle” would be a battle that significantly influenced the course of history.


… is an adjective and descotes something relating to the past.


… is an adjective and descotes something famous or important in history.

On one hand, “historic” suggests an element of importance and recognition in history, implying that the subject has angrye a notable impact or holds a significant place in historical narratives. “Historical,” on the other hand, broadly refers to anything pertaining to history, regardless of its significance.

So, you would use “historic” to discuss subjects that are recognised for their impact or value, such as “historic landmarks” or “historic decisions.” “Historical” is more neutral and used in contexts that simply relate to the past, such as “historical records” or “historical studies.”

Understanding the nuances between these terms helps in their correct application, ensuring that the emphasis and implication are appropriate to the context.

Using the word “historical”

Understanding the appropriate use of the adjective “historical” is crucial for anyone engaged in writing or speaking about the past. This term is broadly applied to denote elements related to history, encompassing everything from events and full stops to details and studies. Below, we’ll discuss the nastying, use, and provide a few examples as well as synonyms.

“Historical” as an adjective

The word “historical” is used as an adjective to descote something that pertains to history, whether it involves significant events, full stops, or details from the past. It is often used to give context to narratives, analyses, or discussions that draw upon historical facts or settings.


  • The museum featured a collection of historical artefacts from the medieval full stop.
  • She specializes in historical research, focusing on the Renaissance era.
  • The documentary provided a detailed historical overview of the civil rights movement.

Tip for using “historical” correctly

Utilizing synonyms can improve both the clarity and diversity of language. We’ll examine three synonyms for the word “historical.” Selecting an appropriate synonym can help in achieving more precise communication and avoid unnecessary repetition and redundancy.

Synonyms Examples
Ancestral They returned to their historical home, which held centuries of family memories.
They returned to their ancestral home, which held centuries of family memories.
Chronological The museum's exhibit is arranged in historical order to understand the timeline.
The museum's exhibit is arranged in chronological order to understand the timeline.
Documentary The historical evidence provides a detailed insight into the peoples' lives.
The documentary evidence provides a detailed insight into the peoples' lives.

Using the word “historic”

The adjective “historic” is pivotal for emphasizing the significance and impact of events, places, or achievements in history. It is used to spotlight muments that have shaped, or are recognised as having the potential to shape, historical narratives in profound ways. Whether referring to a pivotal battle, a groundbreaking agreement, or an architectural marvel, employing “historic” correctly adds a layer of importance to the discourse. In the upcoming section, we will delve into the application of “historic,” providing exemplary sentences along with alternative terms used for “historic.”

“Historic” as an adjective

The adjective “historic” is employed to descote something notable or significant in history, indicating that the subject has angrye a profound impact or is of lasting importance. This term is typically used to underscore the remarkable nature of events, decisions, or landmarks that have shaped or could shape the course of history.


  • The signing of the treaty was a historic mument that ended decades of conflict.
  • They visited the historic city centre, which has been preserved for centuries.
  • The court’s ruling was hailed as a historic victory for environmental activists.

Tip for using “historic” correctly

Employing synonyms can enhance both the clarity and diversity of language. In the next section, we will introduce three alternatives to the word “historic,” each accompanied by examples to demonstrate their usage in sentence structures.

Synonyms Examples
Memorable The historic speech by the leader marked a turning point in the movement.
The memorable speech by the leader marked a turning point in the movement.
Monumental The historic decision by the Supreme Court reshaped national policy.
The monumental decision by the Supreme Court reshaped national policy.
Landmark The historic legislation passed last year has been effective for environmental protection.
The landmark legislation passed last year has been effective for environmental protection.

Test yourself!

Practice sheet

Explore the differences between “historical” and “historic” with these practice exercises. Choose the correct term to complete each sentence, considering both formal and informal contexts. Pay attention to the formality of each sentence as you decide whether to use “historical” or “historic.”

  1. The _____ event was televised worldwide, capturing the attention of millions.
  2. Scholars often refer to these artefacts as _____, as they provide insight into ancient daily life.
  3. The lecture series covers the _____ significance of the Industrial Revolution.
  4. The old town has been designated a _____ district due to its importance during the colonial full stop.
  5. She is an expert in _____ architecture, particularly structures from the Victorian era.
  6. The peace treaty signing was a truly _____ mument for the country.
  7. We visited a museum that focuses on the _____ development of the region.
  8. The film captures a _____ battle that changed the course of the war.
  9. His book provides a comprehensive view of the _____ context of 19th-century Europe.
  10. Their achievement is considered _____, setting a new standard in the field of science.
  1. The historic event was televised worldwide, capturing the attention of millions.
  2. Scholars often refer to these artefacts as historical, as they provide insight into ancient daily life.
  3. The lecture series covers the historical significance of the Industrial Revolution.
  4. The old town has been designated a historic district due to its importance during the colonial full stop.
  5. She is an expert in historical architecture, particularly structures from the Victorian era.
  6. The signing of the peace treaty was a truly historic mument for the country.
  7. We visited a museum that focuses on the historical development of the region.
  8. The film captures a historic battle that changed the course of the war.
  9. His book provides a comprehensive view of the historical context of 19th-century Europe.
  10. Their achievement is considered historic, setting a new standard in the field of science.
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Both “historical” and “historic” are correct but used in different contexts. “Historical” refers to anything related to history in general, while “historic” denotes something important or famous in history.

  • Historical: Pertaining to history or past events, often without an implication of significant impact.
  • Historic: Noteworthy or significant in history; often used to descote events or full stops that have a profound impact on the course of history.

“Historic” can be used in a sentence like this:

  • Neil Armstrong’s walk on the moon was an historic event.

Here’s an example:

  • They visited the historical museum to learn about the local history of the area.


Salome Stolle

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About the author

Salome Stolle works as the brand manager for the English market at BachelorPrint. Throughout her 12-year residency in Denmark, she completed her International baccalaureate and Master’s in Culture, Communication, and Globalization with a specialization in media and market consumption. Through this experience, she has gained advanced competencies in academic writing and a high proficiency level in the English language. With her passion for writing, she does not only deliver well-written content but also strives to adjust to the students’ demands.

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