In general, the first time you use a term in an academic paper, you need to spell it out. Thereafter, you can use an abbreviation, provided it’s a common one and not one that you make up. It’s also important to remember that using shortened forms of words and phrases can sometimes be considered a less formal approach to writing so be sure it’s acceptable before going ahead.
Abbreviation – FAQs
There are several that you’ll see commonly used. They include those used for people, such as “Mr.” instead of “Mister,” “Mrs.” instead of “Missus,” and “vet,” instead of “veterinarian.” They can also be used for places, such as “Dr.” instead of “Drive,” “Ave.” instead of “Avenue,” “Blvd.” instead of “Boulevard,” “Ln.” instead of “Lane” and “St.” instead of “Street.” You might also see “B.A.” for “Bachelor of Arts,” “Dr.” for “Doctor,” “managing director” for “chief executive officer” and “etc.” for “etcetera.”
These are terms that are often used interchangeably but aren’t quite the same. An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word, whereas an acronym is a set of letters that represent the word, but that often form a set of words or a title of something. An initialism is a series of initial letters, such “NBA” for the “National Basketball Association.”
One of the most common reasons is to shorten a piece of writing and make it easier to read. It’s an easy way to share important information without being boring and long-winded. Many writers choose to use abbreviations to better communicate technical information that can be hard to follow otherwise.
The general rule of thumb is to use them sparingly and only when they can better communicate information to your reader. You should also use only abbreviations your reader is likely to be familiar with and that you’ll use at least three times in your writing. They are also handy to use when spelling something out repeatedly will interfere with the integrity and readability of your paper.
In most cases, the first time you use an abbreviation, it should follow the entire term. For example, “American Psychological Association, or APA.” They can be used in tables and graphs but are probably not necessary in an abstract and shouldn’t be used in headings or the title of your paper.
If you’re working on an academic paper, it’s best to check with your professor in regards to whether using them is appropriate or not. You should also avoid using them if your readers may not be aware of what they nasty and in places where it’s not possible to give an explanation of what your abbreviation means.
Definition: Abbreviation
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, it can be defined as “a shortened form of a word or phrase.” Merriam Webster expands on this definition by defining the word as “a shortened form of a written word or phrase used in place of the whole word or phrase.”
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Abbreviation for Students
In terms of academic writing, students should use abbreviations only sparingly and only when it makes the paper easier to read. This is because an abbreviation is usually considered a less formal writing tool. In academic writing, abbreviations for professional organizations, diseases and conditions, titles and measurements. Types to avoid include geographic names, addresses and degrees.
Lists of Abbreviations
Abbreviation lists are handy because they give you an easy reference to use for your academic writing. Keep reading for some common lists that you can use in your writing.
Business & Finance
APR – annual percentage rate
ARM – adjustable rate mortgage
CD – certificate of deposit
FDIC – federal deposit insurance corporation
FOREX – foreign exchange
GNP – gross national product
IRA – individual retirement account
NYSE – New York stock exchange
SEC – Securities Exchange Commission
NDA – non-disclosure agreement
WC – working capital
YTD – year to date
CFO – chief financial officer
managing director – chief executive officer
Marketing & Sales
CRM – customer relationship management
CTA – call to action
CTR – click through rate
KPI – key performance indicator
ROI – return on investment
SLA – service level agreement
B2B – business to business
B2C – business to consumer
MAP – marketing automation platform
HTML – hypertext markup language
RSS – really simple syndication
PPC – pay per click
CTA – call to action
CX/UX – customer experience/user experience
State Abbreviations
AL – Alabama
AK – Alaska
AZ – Arizona
AR – Arkansas
CA – California
CO – Colorado
CT – Connecticut
DE – Delaware
FL – Florida
GA – Georgia
HI – Hawaii
ID – Idaho
IL – Illinois
IN – Indiana
IA – Iowa
KS – Kansas
KY – Kentucky
LA – Louisiana
ME – Maine
MD – Maryland
MA – Massachusetts
MI – Michigan
MN – Minnesota
MS – Mississippi
MO – Missouri
MT – Montana
NE – Nebraska
NV – Nevada
NH – New Hampshire
NJ – New Jersey
NM – New Mexico
NY – New York
ND – North Dakota
OH – Ohio
OK – Oklahoma
OR – Oregon
PA – Pennsylvania
RI – Rhode Island
SC – South Carolina
SD – South Dakota
TN – Tennessee
TX – Texas
UT – Utah
VT – Vermont
VA – Virginia
WA – Washington
WV – West Virginia
WI – Wisconsin
WY – Wyoming
ADM – admission
ALS – advanced life support
AMA – against medical advice
D/C – discontinue/discharge
DNR – do not resuscitate
DOA – dead on arrival
DOB – date of birth
EDD – estimated delivery date
ER – emergency room
HPI – history of present illness
IU – international units
NKDA – no known drug allergies
PCP – primary care physician
VS – vital signs
CAP – capsule
OTC – over the counter
PRN – as needed
RDI – recommended daily intake
TAB – tablet
BAC – blood alcohol content
CPR – cardiopulmonary resuscitation
EKG – electrocardiogram
H2O – water
IV – intravenous
PT – physical therapy
BM – bowel movement
BP – blood pressure
GI – gastrointestinal
Academic & Job Title
Mr. – mister
Mrs. – missus
Dr. – doctor
VP – vice president
SVP – senior vice president
EVP – executive vice president
PA – personal assistant
MA – Master of Arts
BA – Bachelor of Arts
BS – Bachelor of Science
MD – managing director
CMO – chief marketing officer
In a Nutshell
- Abbreviations can be used for less formal academic writing
- The word(s) should be spelt out in its entirety the first time it’s used, followed by the abbreviation thereafter in the paper
- Use only an abbreviation that your reader will be familiar with
- An abbreviation is necessary when it makes a paper easier to read and eliminates the use of too much jargon
- Use abbreviations sparingly