Mastering the spelling of English words can be difficult, especially for people from various linguistic backgrounds or those who struggle with pronunciation. One commonly misspelled word is “accommodate,” often incorrectly written as “accomodate.” This guide seeks to provide the correct spelling of this frequent spelling mistake, accompanied by example sentences and answers to common questions about it.
The correct spelling of “accommodate”
The word “accommodate” means to provide a place to live or to have sufficient space for something or someone. It also refers to making adjustments or provisions to suit different needs or conditions. In broader terms, “accommodate” can involve adapting or making allowances for something, whether it’s making room, adjusting schedules, or altering plans to help or suit others.
It functions primarily as a verb in English. It can be modified into different grammatical forms to express varying aspects of time and voice. The word “accommodate” has only one correct spelling in English, which includes two C’s and two M’s. Any deviation from this spelling is incorrect. The following list shows the primary forms:
- Base form: accommodate
- Third-person singular present: accommodates
- Simple past and past participle: accommodated
- Present participle/gerund: accommodating
“Accommodate” comes from the Latin word “accommodatus,” which is the past participle of “accommodare,” meaning “to make fit, adapt, or suitable.” The Latin “accommodare” is itself derived from “ad-” (to) + “commodare” (to fit), from “commodus” (fitting, suitable). This root emphasizes the notion of making something suitable or adjusting it to fit specific needs or conditions.
Correct spelling
Incorrect spelling
The correct spelling of the word is “accommodate,” with two C’s and two M’s. This spelling is correct because it aligns with its etymological origins from the Latin “accommodatus,” which stems from “accommodare.” The presence of the double C and double M in “accommodate” is a reflection of its Latin roots, where similar repetitions of consonants occur in words to emphasize the actions or qualities described.
Misspellings like “accomodate,” with one C or one M, are common because English pronunciation often does not clearly distinguish the double consonants, leading to confusion. However, remembering the correct etymology and the structure of the word can help in maintaining the correct spelling.
“Accommodate” means to provide space or room for someone or something, or to make adjustments or changes to suit different needs or conditions.
Here is an example sentence to illustrate the word’s use:
- The hotel can accommodate up to 200 guests.
“Accommodate” is the correct spelling, with two C’s and two M’s.
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