Paradigm – Definition, Meaning & Use In A Sentence

10.11.23 Definitions Time to read: 3min

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Many students seek clarity on English words, phrases, and definitions to grasp their meanings. While some words are common in everyday language, others might be chosen for their eloquence, even if their roots aren’t fully understood. This article offers an in-depth exploration of the term “paradigm,” detailing both its proper spelling and misspelling and its historical context.

Definition of “paradigm”

A “paradigm” is a typical example, pattern, or model of something. It’s often used in the context of scientific theories and research methodologies, but it can be applied more broadly to various domains, including philosophy, culture, and the social sciences. The term has its origins in ancient Greek. It comes from the Greek word “paradeigma,” which means “example” or “pattern.”

Use of “paradigm” in a sentence

“Paradigm” functions as a noun in the English language, and it is used to denote a model or pattern, especially an outstandingly clear or typical example or archetype. It’s also used in the context of scientific revolutions to indicate a set of practices that define a scientific discipline during a particular period. The following examples demonstrate the usage of the word in a sentence.


  • The new software introduced a paradigm shift in data analysis.
  • Remote work is a new paradigm in the modern workplace.
  • The fashion industry is constantly evolving its style paradigms.

How to spell “paradigm” correctly

“Paradigm” is often misspelled as “paradim”, “paradigmn”, or “paradym”. The only correct way of spelling the word is “paradigm,” which is a combination of two Greek words:

  • “para” – meaning “beside” or “alongside”
  • “-deiknumi” – meaning “to show” or “to display”

The word “paradigm” is frequently misspelled, typically due to typing errors, phonetic confusion, or unfamiliarity with the term. Because it contains multiple vowels, people may frequently mix up their order or make typing mistakes easily.

Correct spelling




Wrong spelling




Synonyms for “paradigm”

The quality of your writing can be easily enhanced with the right synonyms, which can help you avoid repetition and redundancy in your academic writing. Furthermore, it will enrich your vocabulary, resulting in better expression. Below, you’ll find five examples of synonyms for “paradigm” along with sample sentences for each:

Synonym Examples
Pattern The artist's unique approach to sculpture broke the traditional paradigm of art.
The artist's unique approach to sculpture broke the traditional pattern of art.
Framework The scientists research reshaped the physics paradigm.
The scientists research reshaped the physics framework.
Example The teacher used a compelling paradigm to illustrate the concept.
The teacher used a compelling example to illustrate the concept.
Standard The company's quality control procedures set a high paradigm for the industry.
The company's quality control procedures set a high standard for the industry.
Prototype The innovative product served as a paradigm of modern design.
The innovative product serves as a prototype of modern design.


A “paradigm” is a typical example, pattern, or model of something. It serves as a standard or reference in a particular field of study, discipline, or area of thought. They can be found in various areas, including science, linguistics, philosophy, and even in everyday language, where they help define and shape our understanding of concepts and theories.

You can use “paradigm” in a sentence as follows:

  • The move to e-commerce marked a paradigm shift in retail.
  • The discovery of antibiotics was a medical paradigm.

The word “paradigm” has its origins in ancient Greek. It comes from the Greek word “paradeigma,” which translates to “example” or “pattern.” In Greek, “para” means “beside” or “alongside”, and “deiknumi” means “to show” or “to display.”

Antonyms of “paradigm” may be “anomaly,” “deviation,” or “outlier.”

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