Learning to spell English words can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to certain words in academic writing. This difficulty can arise from differences in spelling compared to similar words in other languages or inconsistencies in pronunciation. One of the most common spelling mistakes is with the word “sense/sence”. This article will help you with the spelling, turning it into common sense for you.
The correct spelling of “sense”
The word “sense” functions as a noun and as a verb, and has only one correct spelling. The origin of “sense” comes from the Old French word “sens” and the Latin word “sensus”.
Correct spelling
Incorrect spelling
The correct spelling of “sense” is with an “s” in the middle, not with “c”. One of the most common misspellings for “sense” is “sence”. However, the prevalence of misspellings can vary based on context, region, and other factors. “Sence” is a frequent mistake seen in academic writing, but it’s not the only one.
The word “sense” can also be used as a verb, typically meaning to perceive, detect, or be aware of something. Here are some examples using “sense” as a verb.
“Sense” is the correct spelling of the word, while “sence” is a common misspelling. The word “sense” can be used as a verb to mean “feel” and as a noun to refer to good judgment, awareness, impressions, meanings, or the five sensory faculties.
“Make sense” is an expression used to indicate that something is logical or reasonable. It implies that something is understandable or coherent. For example, if a statement or explanation is clear and logical, we say that it “makes sense.”
As a noun, “sense” has various meanings, including:
- The faculty of perceiving through the senses (such as sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing).
- A vague awareness or impression.
- Good judgment or understanding.
- A particular meaning or interpretation.
Yes, “sense” can be used as a noun (e.g., ”I have a good sense of direction”) and as a verb (e.g., “I sense that he’s upset”).
Yes, both words come from the same root. “Sensible” can mean reasonable or practical, and it can also relate to the senses, as in being perceptible.
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